Things to Do Oregon Coast Cycling Beachcomber Bike Rides |
North Rides 29 miles-N.Bank-Cedar Valley-101
| 32 miles-Jerry's Flat Rd. | 38 miles-Jerry's Flat Rd. | 47 miles-Jerry's Flat-Lobster Crk-CedarValley-Euchre Crk-101
60 miles to Bear Camp Rd.
South Rides | 22 miles-Meyers Crk/Cape Sebastian | 50 miles-Cape Sebastian and on toward Brookings |
52 miles-Cape Sebastian-Cape Ferrelo Rd. to Summit 70 miles-California Border |
Inn of the Beachcomber Bike Rides |
Ride Hard & Cherish Each Moment
Remember Steve Larsen
In my defense this page did not start out this way. I had an idea about domain names and marketing and got started on a not that sane of a project. Some how when I got to the cycling section it became special. I ride, I ride a lot, I try to ride everyday but I get busy sometimes or it’s snowing and raining so it doesn’t happen. Sometimes I ride when someone might think I should be doing other things. The one thing that’s for sure I’m cherishing each moment I’m on my bike no matter how it hurts. I thank Steve Larson for that. If you make it to the Beachcomber you can think of Steve and thank him for the balconies and gas fireplaces. Lately while I’m working on the websites I’ve been stealing 20 milers at dusk. I haven’t gotten any but transition lens would be good. This page is for all you cyclists that are looking for someplace good to go and ride. This page for me is dedicated in remembrance of Steve Larsen the man that gave me the confidence to ride hard even thou I don’t look like the average cyclist. Because of Steve I remember to cherish each moment and keep my family first. If you are a world class cyclist or tri-athlete you knew Steve personally. I’m not, but was blessed to run across Steve from the business side of his life in Bend, Oregon. No matter what your level of fitness is the Gold Beach area offers some of the best cycling in the state. When you throw in the spectacular scenery it can’t be beat. If you like to climb there is a 50 miler with 5000 feet of climbing or if you want a nice flat 20 miler we’ve got one of those for you. Any way at the oregoncoastcycling link there are profiles of some of the rides around here. There are more but this is a start.
I had my lateral meniscus-yeah, big word for cartilage, completely removed my freshman year in high school, 1972. My Orthopedic surgeon told me that as long as I kept my legs strong I would be ok. I was immortal then so I never gave it much thought. In the end I think he meant in the short term because I got through four years of college football and was always fortunate to be active without a lot of problems. Things were good up until I hit that middle age wall. I’ve ridden off and on since I bought a bike in college. In 2004 I had problem with the other knee and the new doc wondered how I walked after an x-ray of the old knee. He thought a new knee was a keen idea. I figured he was just a sales guy needing a new Porsche because I still felt ok. Any way I think the joint replacement works because they cut all the nerves. If you’re an orthopedic surgeon and have better info post it on our blog. At that point I remembered what Doctor Green had said and increased the miles on my mountain bike. Shortly after that I bought the Inn of the Beachcomber and started planning the remodel when I got a call from a realtor in Bend, Steve Larsen. He said that he had an offer on a building of mine in Redmond. I am sorry but I have to back track a little, I have been a huge fan of the Tour De France since Greg LeMond won his second tour. When my mom was in the hospital before she died I remember watching Michal Indurain with his first of 5 tours. Steve had been dogging me for a while about listing a building with him so I told him I’d come in and meet him.
The first thing I notice upon entering Steve’s office was a framed Motorola cycling team jersey with Lance’s autograph. The first thing out of my mouth was how “how did you get that?” I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first thing out of most of his new clients’ mouths so we hit it off pretty easily. Steve nonchalantly answered that all the team members got one. The next thing I noticed was all the framed magazine covers on the walls of his office. Needless to say I was a little more than awe struck. Never mind that he brought me an offer that was at least twice as much as the building was worth. That was real estate in central Oregon 2006. Steve Larsen was reportedly the only American to compete in the world championships for road, mountain bike, track, cyclocross and triathlon. He was a member of the 1993 U.S. world road championship team that helped Lance Armstrong win his first world title. I quipped to him that if he had mentioned his past life it would have been a lot easier to get my attention. After that Steve was the only realtor I used. He knew I rode and encouraged me to get a road bike. He sent me down to the local Felt dealer and told me that what I bought would be better than what he rode in the Giro d'Italia with Lance Armstrong and the rest of the Motorola team. I bought a Felt Z25 and hit the road. I’ll never be a real cyclist. I’m going to buy the club fit jersey, and I ride hard and often.
I remember the last time I talked to Steve; it was spring break March 2009. I was driving through L.A. after picking my son up at the airport while we were looking at colleges. Steve returned a call and it was a fairly simple conversation about the real estate business and like normal the conversation turned to Steve’s favorite topics, family and cycling, in that order. He was down in the same area with his son and they were both in a race. We talked about family and kids and how quick things change. After that I drove by Steve’s office a couple of times and kept thinking we should get together for lunch. The real estate market had turned rough and I knew Steve was not as busy as he had been even though he was spending more time training. I never wanted to act like the awe struck novice cyclist that I was when I talked with Steve. So I kept on driving and I logged it in my mind that when I got back from Hawaii I would get together with him. It’s been 1 year almost to the day, May 20th 2009 that I had logged on to the cycling news wire, a daily tradition with me. I was in Hawaii when I saw the headline “Retired racer Steve Larsen dies after collapsing during running workout” on Velonews. I didn’t want to click on the link because I knew what it would tell me. I sat in stoned disbelief when I read the news about Steve collapsing after his track work out at the local high school. He died at age 39 and left behind Carrie his wife and 5 children. His friends have set up a memorial fund and a website Without fail on a long ride or a tough climb I think about Steve and how he died doing what he loved. I cherish each moment when I’m out on a bike because I know that if a 39 year old elite athlete can leave like that it could happen to any of us. Especially a 240 pound 52 year old. Like I said up top when I got to this page it was a little special to me.
Southern Oregon Coast Cycling
I try to get out 4 to five days a week and average about 6000 miles a year. I probably need some sort of intervention as far as buying bikes as I have accumulated a few. My favorite is my Felt Slipstream F-1 team bike which was used by the first Garmin team, lucky number 13. It’s got all that Dura Ace stuff and weight likes 14 pounds with an FSA compact crank. I ride with a Garmin Edge 705 so I have lots of data on the profiles around central Oregon and the Gold Beach area. The cycling is exceptional here in Gold Beach even in the winter. I am fortunate to split my riding time between central Oregon and the southern Oregon coast. In the winter the snow makes it a little difficult to ride enough so the coast is a great place for me to sneak rides in. Don’t get me wrong I have been caught out on rides in the rain here but even on days when Mother Nature cuts loose you can usually find the time to sneak in 20 to 30 miles. Most of the rides around here have some climbing which I enjoy even though I weigh in at 240 pounds. As I work on this page I will add more rides to give my fellow cyclists some good data down here on the southern Oregon coast.
28.5 Miles Hwy 101 North to North Bank Rd to Cedar Valley to Hwy 101 Back to the Beachcomber

Not a lot of climbing and somewhat out of the wind. In the summer with the North wind, you almost don’t have to pedal. Under 2 hours. Not a lot of shoulder through Cedar Valley but not much traffic. Hwy 101 has new pavement and nice bike lane.(click on image for a larger version) top of page
32 Miles Beachcomber North. Turn right before the bridge at Jerrys Flat Road. At sixteen miles at the top of the hill turn around and head home

Look for a nice medium ride when it’s windy. The Rogue River is just unreal. I steal rides up Jerrys Flat Road all the time. There is some traffic. It’s like wilderness so you can hear the trucks and cars pretty much all the time. I am usually in a hurry and trying to get back to the Beachcomber before dark. Plan ahead and enjoy the view. I saw a bear last fall going down to the river to get some fish. I really dug the cars passing me that night. They were staying at the Inn and wanted to know what my view was like. I told them theirs was better. 2 plus hour ride. (click on image for a larger version) top of page
38 Miles Head North Hwy 101 Left before the Bridge on Jerrys Flat Rd. At the top of the last climb turn around

The grades are a little high but the climbs are short. Over 2000 feet of elevation change with the last climb a mile and half at a 5% grade. (click on image for a larger version) top of page
46.85 Miles North out Jerry’s Flat, Cross Lobster Creek through Cedar Valley Up Euchre Creek then back on Hwy 101

This was one of those late summer rides in the summer wind. When you go up the Rogue and cross Lobster creek the wind is not bad. The same up and through Cedar Valley. I had never been up Euchre Creek and was trying to get close to 50 miles. I was bummed out when thru road ended after 4 miles. The ride back with the tail wind was a great way to finish up.(click on image for a larger version) top of page
60 Mile Ride from the Beachcomber to Bear Camp Road
And Back

I don’t have all the info on this ride because I had some problems with the Edge 705 so I saved it as a course file. The ride had about 3500 feet of climbing. The ride starts at the Beachcomber follow N Hwy 101 and turn left before the bridge on Jerry’s Flat Road. There is a lot of up and down until you get to the 17.80 mile mark and then you start a 700 foot climb that lasts for a little over 3 miles. After that a couple of small climbs and down to the junction of Bear Camp Rd.. This ride took me 4.30 hours. I turned around at Bear Camp Road but you could go on to Agness. That would be a 70 miler.(click on image for a larger version) top of page
Beachcomber South Hwy 101 Cross over to Myers Creek Down to Cape View & Back to the Beachcomber

What a great little ride. Nice 750 foot climb over 2.7 miles. When you cross over to Meyers Creek the grade jumps up to 12% over a quarter of a mile. It’s all down what used to be the old coast Highway. Cross Meyers Creek and head up 100 feet and enjoy the overview of Pistol River and Cape Sebastian. Less than 2 hours and 1600 feet of climbing. Great ride when the wind blows from the North the climb up Meyers Creek does not get much wind. When you head down 101 the wind is no big deal until Kissing Rock. It’s only about a mile into the strong head wind and you're back to the Beachcomber.(click on image for a larger version),/i> top of page
50 miles South towards Brookings and Back

This ride is good in the spring without the constant summer North wind. It has the climb up and over Cape Sebastian plus a bunch of rollers up and down Hwy 101. One note of caution- the back side of Cape Sebastian is pretty steep with an average grade of 6.85% over 1.80 miles. Again, the scenery on this ride is great.
(click on image for a larger version) top of page
51.23 miles south towards Brookings-Cape Sebastian South to Old Cape Ferrelo to Summit & Back

On a windy day in the summer this is great way to spend four hours. The ride has about 4700 feet of climbing. And some of the best scenery in the world. The ride starts with the 750 foot trek up Cape Sebastian and then down to the scenic Myers Creek wayside and the Pistol River state park. You can fly down 101 with the 30 mph tail wind until the 21.5 mile mark and you head up Old Cape Ferrelo Road. The grade is a killer, 14.5% for a quarter of a mile and then on to Carpenterville Road to the summit at 1720 feet. Head on down across Pistol River and then on up old Meyers Creek road for another 700 feet of climbing until you get back to Hwy 101 and back to the Beachcomber.
(click on image for a larger version)
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Beachcomber South Highway 101 To Myers Creek Road To Hwy 101 to California Border
& Back

This Ride is best on a day with no wind. Over 4000 feet of climbing 70 Miles. A good 5 hour ride. If you feel strong on the way back stay on Hwy 101 and do the back side of Cape Sebastian. Watch out if you get to Brookings and the normal North wind kicks up. You could turn it into a full day with stops at Arch Rock, Pistol River, House Rock, and Natural Bridge.(click on image for a larger version)
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